Hey Sapphirites..have you guys been too busy to come online to post something here?
Heh heh...today I'm gonna put a bit of emphasis on how much God loves us...
Genesis 18:22-33
Abraham kept bargaining with God for the safety of righteous people, from 50 people to a mere 10. Imagine, if somebody kept asking you for more, would you give? God loved us, He still does, and He gives. Even when the number of people were less than 10, God still saved every member of Lot's family (Genesis 19:12), except those who didn't believe (Genesis 19:14).
As I was reading through this chapter, I also noticed something interesting. In Genesis 19:4-11, Lot was trying to get the men of Sodom off their backs. For that, he had to offer his two virgin daughters, and yet he was threatened. But just before the men were going to break down the door, the 2 angels of God pulled Lot in his house and blinded the men.
In a way, the same could be said about our trials. First, we attempt to defend God, or stay strong. Then everybody, or everything comes crashing down on us, and we must give up something very dear to us, in order to keep our relationship. Yet still, we are persecuted, and only at the last minute moment, does God intervene and save us. Sometimes that is all we have to do, to stay strong till the very end, in order to be saved.
So I urge you, Sapphirites, to be strong!
Besides that, if any of you are backsliding...
"Knowing that God loves us comes by faith;
feeling His love for us comes by relationship."
(quoted from ODB)
Have we been paying less attention to our relationship with God? It is just like OUR, sapphire relationship. Though we cannot see each other, we know that we love each other. And how do we feel it? By posting it through this blog. God has His 'blog' too, and you were commanded in camp to read it everyday. Always find time for God...because all His time is for you...and how great is Godly time compared to human time?
That is all I can stay for now..I pray for the Spirit to strengthen all of you...don't forget to keep on praying...prayer is strong...never forsake it...
Hey!! That's so cute! I never saw it that way~ God has a blog......hahahahaha!!!!! XP
hee.. yea.. =) dylan has got quite an insight, and a special perspective on things =) how're you doing, Joyce?
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