Tuesday, December 23, 2008


sapphirites! attention!

how have you guys been? been doing QT? i hope none of you have crumbled into nothing.

but as for me, honestly, its been hard keeping faith.but with the help of God, anything is possible.

He is constantly placing miracles in our lives. have faith, stay strong, pray, and do QT...

hit me back and let me know (comments, so everyone can see) how you guys are doing ok?

God is amazing...


dy said...

please drop a comment..i want an update from each n every one of you..

Siew Ming said...

Yes i do QT everyday but at inconsistent time...

dy said...

what about the rest??
tell me about ur relationship with God...i wanna know about u guys...

Anna said...

I'm still doing on pretty strong =) dylan.. good to know that you're still strong.. brings me great joy =D

and Siew Ming.. praise God that you're still doing QT everyday =D glad to hear news like these.. i wonder how the rest are doing though..