Wednesday, December 10, 2008


dear sapphirites,

in broad daylight, i saw a vision.
whether it is a vision or imagination,
by me or by God,
that i leave you to translate.

in that place, i saw all of us. 11 sapphirites, and one God.
before us was a great oak table.
around us, four walls with amazingly huge windows,
with subdued heaven-like light shining through.

there were five chairs each on each side of the table.
and only one chair on each end.
God sat at one end of the table.
and anna sat at the other.

10 of us, were seated where we liked.
those who sat closest to God could enjoy His glory.
those who sat further from Him were dwindling in faith
but anna was seated directly facing God, confronting the truth.

now, the meaning of the vision came to me later...

the 11 chairs represent our faith in God
in every time, we would exchange seats with others.
some of us were reluctant to move, some of us were eager, some of us were forced.
now, those who sat nearest to God had the Spirit upon them.
some of us, were drifting away.
but eventually if we drifted away for too long, we would arrive at the end seat.
where we faced God directly.
and from there, we would move slowly towards him.
everybody had a turn in every seat.
the seats were numbered.
at one end (our end) the seat was numbered '1'
at one side, '2','3','4','5','6'
and finally, at our Father's end of the table,
the other side, '8','9','10','11','12'
every time we would change seats
time being an immeasurable word.

one day came, where we would not just sit at the table.
and on that one day, the position of where we sat did not matter longer.
suddenly, there was a banquet on the table.
and we dined together with our Father.
and the lights that shone through the windows were no longer subdued.
it was a heavenly place.


Siew Ming said...

is this really a vision or it is juat a poem? I'm confused...

Joyce TJL said...

It's a vision...
But u know la....It's Dylan wat...
If he gives a speech oso it'll tend to sound like a poem...hahahahaha~~~~