hey guys.its me again.
theres usually nothing worth listening about myself, so i'm gonna shift the limelight to...
yes, Him. He who brought us together. is He not worthy of all praise? =)
so how was your spiritual life after camp?
mine was pretty awesome.God gave many opportunities for me to work in Him. but somehow these few days, it died down.is it just me or Him? going back to the facts we learned, it couldnt be nothing. so it must have been me, or God was telling me to take a break.
turns out, listening to the Spirit is harder than it seems.sometimes, your subconscious mind just doesnt want to listen to it.and your conscious mind could care less. i urge you guys to stay alert to God's voice, carefully listening to that small, still voice.
alternately, you could just do s&s again.=) or quiet time.i hope sapphire's keeping up.dont forget the efforts we (or rather, God) put together to make this family whole.
God works miracles all around us...ask the Spirit to reveal that to you, and strengthen your faith if you are wavering. and whenever you feel lonely or down, or just plain lost in some conspiracy, remember that God is there...always...calling out to you. even as i write this, i can hear Him calling me to do quiet time..@_@ (i woke up late)
courage is required for God's works, faith is required to be with Him, and trust is required to see Him. Love...is required for me and you. and God has given us all of these.how are we to use them? or are we going to just throw/leave them away?
God bless...but remember to not be reckless, *reminds about roshan and the bottle situation*
ahaha.i wont have the last word, so once again,
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