Friday, November 28, 2008

Anna's little thoughts..

Before camp, i was rather afraid. Having become a volunteer for the past 2 years at NSCFL, the memories i brought back were all of fatigue and silence. Fatigue in the sense that, at the end of camp, i was DEAD TIRED. Silence in that the groups i got were pretty silent. They were alright, but silent. Response was lacking (as is frequently the case). And to the one who facilitates the group, silence brings panic, 'cause then we don't know what else to do or talk about or how to induce a response. And that makes me feel small. Incapable. Or to put it rather crudely, retarded.

So, yes. I was afraid.

Afraid that a discouraging history might repeat, and a discouragement at that point of time might be brutal for me and my ever-fluctuating self-esteem. And so i prayed- that it'd not be out of my own strength, but His. That it'd just be my body, but His movements. That i'd just be the vessel, and He the user. Not I, but Him. In summary, I surrendered. No doubt, i was still afraid. But there was a peace that i could rest in after i said that prayer.

Camp arrived, or rather we arrived at camp. I wasn't the least bit prepared. I've never met a number of the officers until then, and yet i was already supposed to be working with them. Rather daunting, i thought. And then, the part i was most afraid of- meeting the group i was to lead.

First meeting (introductory):- not bad.. they're all friendly and responsive.
Second meeting (1st reflection):- that was fun! I think this would turn out well :)
Third meeting (1st QT):- that went pretty well.
Fourth meeting onwards:- they're such a wonderful bunch! I couldn't have asked for a better group! =D
Last meeting:- sigh.. i'm really gonna miss them.. they're definately the best bunch i've ever had, and probably will ever have.

And so, here we are. Group Sapphire of NSCFL '08. Who knew that 6 days (5 for me) would have gotten us this far. And how could i have ever known that God would answer my prayers in the form of such wonderful individuals brought together to form this unbelievable group that i am now ever so thankful for.

I know that this could not have been a coincidence.

The One who created the whole universe, by His own hand, individually chose us- Anna, Joanna, Melodie, Siew Ming, Seraphina, Dylan, Edwin, Joyce, Raymond, Justin and Reuben- to form group Sapphire.

All praise and glory to God!


-K- said...

I wasn't that quiet last year la ! haha Anna's a great leader whether she works with quiet or noisy ppl.. "i can hear the fan" XD

Joyce TJL said...

We're a bunch of bananas~
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~ hehe~~