Friday, November 28, 2008

My Day

Hi this is Siew Ming here :) .
There's nothing much to do after camp other than slacking @ home.I actually got a list of stuff I planned to do but I'm just to lazy =D What I do everyday includes attacking the computer, watch tv and play my guitar. Bored eh?
And I got to study(no I'm not joking) during this holiday after I flung my results in my last term exam. Let me warn you guys out there who are not Form Four YET - get ready to face the worst situation in your entire schooling days. Among the breakthroughs I made this year include :
1) Failing exam for 3 terms continuously
2) Get 2 hours of sleep during very busy days
3) Get loaded with no ending projects and homework from teachers

So with these achievements of mine I better get ready before its too late. Of cause la, this problem may only be worst-case-scenario for people in Selangor, but that does not mean you guys from other state is off the hook *evil laugh*

Maybe I shouldn't be so evil on my first post.
I take that back.
I am Siew Ming the EVIL and I will always be EVIL.

Why am I getting so evil?
I really should end the post now.
