Hi again guys~
How have you all been..I dont seem to be getting any replies..
Well anyway if you're free remember to blog abit about your life..:D I'm always anxious to know whats going on, ya'know.. Of course, sms would b expensive XD so this is the cheapest way..
Anywayz, just thought i should tell you that i've been straying from the path of Righteousness and ignoring God these few days..so yesterday i came to my senses fully and asked God for forgiveness..
Well I havent gotten any of these in a while..but I had a vision/realization/whaddever you call it..:S
Remember theres a part in the gospel where Jesus says our eyes are the lamp of our body, and if this lamp is full of darkness, our bodies are full of darkness, but if it is filled with light, HOW GREAT IS THAT LIGHT?
I don't know why.. this is kinda weird but it makes sense, yeah? I havent thought about it much yet, but lets say..
When we receive the Spirit, and walk in the path of the LORD, our bodies (eyes) are FILLED with this light :P and so, when we follow the Law, read the Bible, good works, fruits, etc etc, it acts as a mirror, which reflects the light in us.
Change starts from within us, but it cannot be done without God.
Once our light reflects against our works/ God's Word, others will be able to see it.
And..last of all..maybe if we reflect the light enough, God will see it =) and if you're in distress, that would be your SOS signal.
Well, hope you guys got a semblance of what im trying to say..haha.. Im not being very descriptive..:P
But I hope to hear more from you all. Sapphirites!
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