Sunday, July 26, 2009


Mistakes / Hurts

Mistakes and hurts are part and parcel of life..
No matter how hard we avoid it..
We definitely have to face it..
They aren't that easy to let go, to forget..
But With God..nothing is impossible..=)
I hope as u r reading this..
Think of wat u have been doing..
Mayb u have made a mistake
Or u hurt sumone..
Go and apologize to that particular person..
Lift everything up to God..
He will be with u all the time no matter wat..=)

OR u are the victim..Sumbody hurt u either intentionally or unintentionally..
Forgive that person.
I noe it's hard to forgive..
Because I myself also stuck in the midst of this..
By saying is easy..
But when u really do it..It's hard
In fact..Very Hard.

We in this world are strangers to the world remember?
World is full with temptations.
In time to come, there are lotz n lotz of things gonna happen.
We have to stand firm and not be tempt by anything.
With all the grudge we hold so tight..
We can't stand firm=P
Phillipians 4:13
I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me!
Stand firm SOLDIERS!!=p