Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just a something~ ^^

Goodmorning fellow people of the universe~
And to all my lovable Sapphire members~
Seeing that only Dy is updating this~ I pity the poor guy and have something just to tell~
You see~
After NSCF~
I've been going through alot (It's not really that tough~ Really~ It's just.............)~ and the thing is~ I've been straying from Him~
It wasn't long before I actually totally ignored Him~
I've been distracted ar I'd rather get myself distracted/busy with something giving me reasons for not doing quiet time or even praying~
The only times I pray are only when People asks me to~
When I find the need to~ Even with that~
Not all my prayers were that sincere to Him~
Not that I wasn't sincere in praying for any of those people but I wasn't sincere to Him~ (This is a very important sentence)
Therefore, with that, I've lived so far Trying not to imagine Him there~
But I always know He has been waiting for me to come back~
But~ With my pride and ego (Which is GIGANTICALLY Enormous)~
I knew I was wrong but did not want to admit "defeat" (I dun even know HOW i thought I was winning anything anyways! But: Defeat is the word)
Time passed~ And well~ It's not really that easy doing anything, knowing that he is looking after you and that He is still blessing you though you are ignoring Him~
It was........................Uncomfortable~
So...Time passed~
There are those who kept me by my place~ Pulling me back to Him~ These people~ They don't really realise that they were doing it~ They may, but I'm really telling you~ I was so Far from Him that I felt a loss~
I felt unfairness~
I felt injustice~
All from ME~
Because these people~
I never stopped getting surprised~
Almost everything was "It's a comfortable life and I need nothing more"
(I think I'm going round and round huh????)
It took quite a long time~
And to be humble~ Was a very very big breakthrough~
I leave pride (wherever it came from) to respecting Him as my Father and Lord and Saviour~
It was hard~
But it happened last night~
And God did not fail me~
My God is real~
OUR God is real~
There are too many things I was blessed with to be concidental~
I broke down last night~
(Not gonna tell you how I actually went through the night but...This is who Our God is)
I prayed to Him~
And in my prayer one of the sentences was "I don't know what is love~ Teach me, tell me"
Well, He told me to do my quiet time~
Okay~ I followed~
And well,
He told me to open to (ODB) Sept 22~
I followed~
It was "Arms Of Love"
The verse was 1 John 3:16-20~

(I'm in the mood for Christmas~.....................................................)


dy said...

haha. coincidence? i dun dun dun dun think so..~ today one of my friends (mentally dysfunctional) had told me to read 1 John 3:16, and i come back and i see what u wrote, WEEE~

Ephesians 4~ we are now in new bodies, now growing in God's light, throwing away our old, experienced, sinful self..