Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Is being a Christian tiring? I can imagine so..
With all those expectations held up by people, its never easy to uphold a fierce battle
Especially when the prince of this world is our enemy.
But then as edwin has said in his earlier post, we make mistakes along this journey
sometimes we get ambushed, trapped, attacked head-on, just to find ourselves stunned,
groaning (or not being able to) over the immense pain that is caused by the strikes of discouragement.
I suppose its easy to just say, "we must hold up the shield of faith, so that the fiery darts of the Tempter are quenched" but we know its never that easy. Day after day we fall into temptation. In fact, i am really tempted not to update this blog =) I've been stretched and strained lately, and sometimes God can seem so, very far away. But we know by faith and by knowledge that He is just by our side..

Hard to believe? He gave us prayer, He gave us hope. I dont suppose we are to throw it all back to Him?

Sigh. I think i'm mostly talking to myself in this post :P Hope you guys can put something mroe meaningful up here..

With love from your brother, Dylan

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Mistakes / Hurts

Mistakes and hurts are part and parcel of life..
No matter how hard we avoid it..
We definitely have to face it..
They aren't that easy to let go, to forget..
But With God..nothing is impossible..=)
I hope as u r reading this..
Think of wat u have been doing..
Mayb u have made a mistake
Or u hurt sumone..
Go and apologize to that particular person..
Lift everything up to God..
He will be with u all the time no matter wat..=)

OR u are the victim..Sumbody hurt u either intentionally or unintentionally..
Forgive that person.
I noe it's hard to forgive..
Because I myself also stuck in the midst of this..
By saying is easy..
But when u really do it..It's hard
In fact..Very Hard.

We in this world are strangers to the world remember?
World is full with temptations.
In time to come, there are lotz n lotz of things gonna happen.
We have to stand firm and not be tempt by anything.
With all the grudge we hold so tight..
We can't stand firm=P
Phillipians 4:13
I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me!
Stand firm SOLDIERS!!=p

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Guys, I won't be able to do much coz I'm sort of inactive online ady D:
So can I leave it up to you? Whenever i'm on, i'll post something. But when i on, i wanna see lots of candies in this blog :D:D sweeeeeeeet sweet little words coming from you guys haha.

Lots of stuff have been trying to discourage me, but i just remember the LORD and what He has done for me, I have absolutely no excuse, no reason to be proud, neither to give in. So i'll stand by my word, and i'll rejoice in my works :D

Besides that, when are we gonna meet again =\

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just a something~ ^^

Goodmorning fellow people of the universe~
And to all my lovable Sapphire members~
Seeing that only Dy is updating this~ I pity the poor guy and have something just to tell~
You see~
After NSCF~
I've been going through alot (It's not really that tough~ Really~ It's just.............)~ and the thing is~ I've been straying from Him~
It wasn't long before I actually totally ignored Him~
I've been distracted ar I'd rather get myself distracted/busy with something giving me reasons for not doing quiet time or even praying~
The only times I pray are only when People asks me to~
When I find the need to~ Even with that~
Not all my prayers were that sincere to Him~
Not that I wasn't sincere in praying for any of those people but I wasn't sincere to Him~ (This is a very important sentence)
Therefore, with that, I've lived so far Trying not to imagine Him there~
But I always know He has been waiting for me to come back~
But~ With my pride and ego (Which is GIGANTICALLY Enormous)~
I knew I was wrong but did not want to admit "defeat" (I dun even know HOW i thought I was winning anything anyways! But: Defeat is the word)
Time passed~ And well~ It's not really that easy doing anything, knowing that he is looking after you and that He is still blessing you though you are ignoring Him~
It was........................Uncomfortable~
So...Time passed~
There are those who kept me by my place~ Pulling me back to Him~ These people~ They don't really realise that they were doing it~ They may, but I'm really telling you~ I was so Far from Him that I felt a loss~
I felt unfairness~
I felt injustice~
All from ME~
Because these people~
I never stopped getting surprised~
Almost everything was "It's a comfortable life and I need nothing more"
(I think I'm going round and round huh????)
It took quite a long time~
And to be humble~ Was a very very big breakthrough~
I leave pride (wherever it came from) to respecting Him as my Father and Lord and Saviour~
It was hard~
But it happened last night~
And God did not fail me~
My God is real~
OUR God is real~
There are too many things I was blessed with to be concidental~
I broke down last night~
(Not gonna tell you how I actually went through the night but...This is who Our God is)
I prayed to Him~
And in my prayer one of the sentences was "I don't know what is love~ Teach me, tell me"
Well, He told me to do my quiet time~
Okay~ I followed~
And well,
He told me to open to (ODB) Sept 22~
I followed~
It was "Arms Of Love"
The verse was 1 John 3:16-20~

(I'm in the mood for Christmas~.....................................................)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

55th post (;

the 55th post but the 1st from me, JOANNA!! ahaha.
hey yalls! all my beloved teramat sangat special sapphirites!!
finally im part of this blog. FINALLY! xD i never knew how to add myself at first :P but thanks to EDWIN, tadaa~! ahaha. im so exited for some reason xD
just wanna let yall know how much i miss yall. take care n keep in touch kayy.
anyone going nscfl this year? I'll set aside that date to go nscfl(;
love y'all! <3

oOpS..What IF..??

I find this video interesting too.Have time.Check it Out!!=P


Hey there..I find this video is great.Check it out!!

New Look!!

Hey guys check out our Blog's new look!!!
I really hope u guys will like it..=P
It's time for us to change it anyway..
This will make us more interested in blogging yeah??
Haha..If u guys dun like it..Then Let me noe yea..
I'll change it..
Awaits for ur replies..=P
Till then..Take Care!
God Bless!=)

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Hi again guys~
How have you all been..I dont seem to be getting any replies..

Well anyway if you're free remember to blog abit about your life..:D I'm always anxious to know whats going on, ya'know.. Of course, sms would b expensive XD so this is the cheapest way..

Anywayz, just thought i should tell you that i've been straying from the path of Righteousness and ignoring God these few yesterday i came to my senses fully and asked God for forgiveness..

Well I havent gotten any of these in a while..but I had a vision/realization/whaddever you call it..:S

Remember theres a part in the gospel where Jesus says our eyes are the lamp of our body, and if this lamp is full of darkness, our bodies are full of darkness, but if it is filled with light, HOW GREAT IS THAT LIGHT?

I don't know why.. this is kinda weird but it makes sense, yeah? I havent thought about it much yet, but lets say..

When we receive the Spirit, and walk in the path of the LORD, our bodies (eyes) are FILLED with this light :P and so, when we follow the Law, read the Bible, good works, fruits, etc etc, it acts as a mirror, which reflects the light in us.

Change starts from within us, but it cannot be done without God.

Once our light reflects against our works/ God's Word, others will be able to see it.

And..last of all..maybe if we reflect the light enough, God will see it =) and if you're in distress, that would be your SOS signal.

Well, hope you guys got a semblance of what im trying to say..haha.. Im not being very descriptive..:P

But I hope to hear more from you all. Sapphirites!