Thursday, December 3, 2009


Reuben Choo, since when was it MY responsibility to update the blog? We're supposed to be in this together...oh well.

I'm here to exhort and to remind all of us, our purpose in life. For all things are "chasing the wind"...and we should be anxious for the second coming of Christ (:

Today when I was walking back home, I noticed many buildings and houses, and I knew each one of them were fenced up, providing safety to each respective owner. As I reached my own, I realized that well, I'm form 3 going on form 4, and soon enough, this house wouln't be the same anymore. I'd leave home, explore the world. There would be no such sanctuary as easily attainable as before.

Then I remembered that God is looking from above, even with us as we walk with Him, waiting for us to return to Him where He already prepared a room for us =]

Isn't it amazing to know Jesus loves us so much? Lets think back and remember our First Love..who is right at this moment, standing beside you now!! Calling out to you to listen to His still, small voice (:

Lets make a change in Malaysia by first impacting our schools. You're not alone in this! We're all joined in Christ, in Spirit, and well, if it helps, in Sapphire team! :D

Imagine if one of us impacts our society/community, they in turn will tell of God's greatness in their respective societies and so on and so forth, until it propagates all around Malaysia!

Lets strive to make a change, knowing that "if Christ is with us, who can be against us?"

Jesus loves you!